Brandon and Charlotte's Wedding

Here are some of my favorites from Charlotte and Brandon's wedding. Thank you guys for allowing me to capture this beautiful wedding and story! 

Location: Berry College

Camera: Nikon D750 with Sigma 35 mm 1.4, Nikon 50 1,4, and Nikon 70-200

Editing: Lightroom with VSCO Presets 

Event: Wedding  

Max Patch and Carvers Gap

Hey guys! Below are some pictures to give you an idea on what to expect on a weekend trip up to Pisgah National Forest to see and camp at Max Patch and Carvers Gap. This would definitely be a great time to go! Enjoy! 

Max Patch:

About a 4 hour drive from Atlanta to Max Patch.

Parking at the bottom of the mountain

.4 mile hike to the top. Pretty steep but very short hike. 

Watch Sunset and CAMP 

Early sunrise and Brew the Coffee..

Carvers Gap:

Parking available at the bottom of the mountain, easily accessible

Beautifully diverse hike up to the top

3/4 of a mile hike up to the top

360 Panorama views

Camping available. Limited spots to build a fire

Watch epic sunrise


North Carolina/Tennessee Border in Pisgah National Park

Max Patch and Carvers Gap


Nikon D750 - Sigma 35 mm f1.4G



Time Duration:

Weekend Camping Trip - Leave Friday and come back Sunday 

Why you should visit Franklin Falls

On my recent visit to the state of Washington, myself and Sarah got a chance to hike Franklin Falls Trail in the Snoqualmie Pass. The falls is the first of three major waterfalls on the South Fork Snoqualmie River. The hike is two miles roundtrip, elevation of 400 feet, and the highest point is at 2600 ft. This trail is a photographers dream. Incredible views, beautiful cabins, and a massive waterfall at the end of the trail. It felt secluded and away from any noise when it was easily accessible by car. Thanks to my brother and sister-in-laws recommendation we got to experience much in a short amount of time.

Check out our experience below!


Franklin Falls, Washington 


Nikon D5200 with a Sigma 18-35 MM 1.8 DG HSM


VSCO and My own collection of presets 


2 hour and 30 minutes