I thought this would be the right time to repost something about my Dads book "Trusting God in the Journey". It feels like it was just yesterday that he was chatting with me about his first two chapters on the porch of our home as I looked into the mesmerizing Atlanta sunset. Many conversations have happened on this porch and its evident to me many ideas were created on it. This porch is in the thriving neighborhood of Inman Park that overlooks freedom park with cars passing, couples taking evening strolls, dogs barking, cyclists bursting forth, and the skateboarder that ollie's onto the road heading toward old fourth ward skatepark.
On that same porch my dad asked me to think of some pictures that displayed his walk with God as he invited me to figure out the front and back cover of the book. It was an invitation to partner with him, not just to be in the stands of a crowded arena but to jump on the field and run with him. He is constantly inviting people to join. And thats what he does with this book. A practical touch on what its like to live an integrated life as an ordinary business man. Whether your in business, art, ministry, science, medicine, or any other form of industry this book displays a heartbeat of how you can continue to actively listen and then formulate movement in your life as you have a constant(Holy Spirit) that is behind, beside, and in front of you on this beautiful journey.
Words from Gary in light of Mark 4:22-24 - "Seeing and hearing are alike in a sense because both depend on the ability or willingness to receive. The kind of hearing Jesus is referring to is attentive and intentional listening. We don't necessarily receive everything we hear whether by choice or not. Listening is an active exercise; it demands attention and concentration. There is a two-way responsibility if communication is to be effective. It calls for a clear sender and an attentive receiver. Jesus is telling us that listening is serious business. It is a gift that can be cultivated. Active and empathetic listening can be taught. It is based on hearing both the content or ideas and the emotion with full attention to putting ourselves in the shoes of the sender. Jesus is cautioning us to be active and attentive to the Word of God and His Voice."
We devote most of our lives trying to contemplate ideas and concepts and we spend less time actively listening and initiating action in our promptings from God. I do it all the time. Contemplating whether or not its from God. Should I really do that thing that is constantly stirring in my heart to chase...It's a part of human nature - Fear. The first emotion we encounter as a new born and its with us for most of our lives. We deviate and take a new course based on the fears that erode in our life. Fear has been a massive part of my Journey and in some ways I've begun to overcome such fears in various seasons of my life. In all that to say, you can gain something by reading these words from a man whose been consistent in the ways of listening and actively be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. So give it a read. Thanks Dad for the Inspiration.
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