
On The Train Series // Connor Way Portraits

I'm a fanatic about capturing portraits in the morning. For me, it's the best light of the day, especially in the city. There is something about getting up before the sun that makes the work I am doing feel more intentional. A couple of days ago me and my best friend took a stroll on the train to take photographs that he needed heading into his program at Princeton University for Music Composition. Yep, you heard me - Princeton. I'm really stoked for how fruitful this next season is going to be for him. I love his heart for music and he's incredible at it. 

I've had the pleasure and honor of living with Connor for about 4 years in college and after college. He was the best man in my wedding and going in our latter twenties he still continues to be one of my very best friends. I think about our lives and how different they are in different cities, but still we are more connected than ever - Jesus has a lot to do with that. This project was special to me. I really thought about the location of where to shoot these photos and how it's represents a piece of Connor's life over the past couple of years. So take a peek. You're not only looking at a man with high accolades, but a man of faith that's strong, consistent, and loving. 

For you brotha,


So Worth Loving

I recently photographed some new content for So Worth Loving and had a blast doing so. Their new tee launched and you should definitely check it out by clicking HERE.  Below is their manifesto and it's so powerful, rich, and inspiring. Be sure to read it and check out the photos!

"No matter my history, past mistakes, relationship status, or career choice, I am worthy of love. I am not defined by my past. I am prepared because of it. While my own voice and others may tell me different, I will lean into the safe people that affirm this way of thinking. When I encourage others to love themselves I am encouraging them to treat themselves with kindness, patience, respect, and all that embodies love. We live our life knowing we have worth.  So Worth Loving. It's a lifestyle."